Our paper titled "We Have a Package for You! A Comprehensive Analysis of Package Hallucinations by Code Generating LLMs" was accepted at the 2025 USENIX Security Symposium. A pre-print of the paper is available below.
Our paper titled "VoiceRadar: Voice Deepfake Detection using Micro-Frequency and Compositional Analysis" was accepted at the Network and Distributed System Security Conference (NDSS) 2025. This paper also won the distinguished paper award at NDSS 2025!
Our paper titled "ScooterID: Posture-based Continuous User Identification from Mobility Scooter Rides" was accepted for the IEEE Transactions of Mobile Computing (TMC) journal. This paper was a collaborative effort with Cal Poly Pomona and Princeton.
Our paper titled "De-anonymizing VR Avatars using Non-VR Motion Side-channels" was accepted at WiSec 2024. A pre-print is available at the link below.
Our paper titled "An Analysis of Recent Advances in Deepfake Image Detection in an Evolving Threat Landscape" was accepted at IEEE S&P 2024. Pre-print coming soon!
Our paper "MirageFlow: A New Bandwidth Inflation Attack on Tor" has been accepted at the Network and Distributed System Security Symposium (NDSS) 2024. A Pre-print is now available at the link below.
We are happy to announce that ScooterLab received full funding from the National Science Foundation's (NSF) CISE Community Infrastructure (CCRI) program.
Our paper titled "BayBFed: Bayesian Backdoor Defense for Federated Learning" was accepted at IEEE S&P 2023. A pre-print will soon be available at the link below.
SPriTELab is offering Cyber Warriors - a cybersecurity focused summer camp - from July 25-29, 2022 for advanced middle & high school students from San Antonio and surrounding school districts.
SPriTELab is excited to start a new NSF project with Dr. Mythili Menon (Wichita State Univ.) to study how language skills and linguistic features impact the perception and response of refugees (in the US) to social engineering attacks such as phishing and vishing!
Our paper titled "Background Buster: Peeking through Virtual Backgrounds in Online Video Calls" was accepted at DSN 2022. A pre-print is now available at the link below.
Our paper titled "An Investigative Study on the Privacy Implications of Mobile E-scooter Rental Apps" was accepted at WiSec 2022. A pre-print is now available at the link below.
SPriTELab has an opening for one PhD student researcher in the broad area of systems security and privacy.
CryptoMiner, our card game based on Cryptocurrencies and Blockchains, has launched and is now available for purchase on The Game Crafter!
Our paper titled "Write to Know: On the Feasibility of Wrist Motion based User-Authentication from Handwriting" was accepted at WiSec 2021. A pre-print is now available at the link below.
ScooterLab is organizing a follow-up of their ScooterLab planning workshop to share several interesting updates to share with the community since the last workshop.
Our paper "Acoustics to the Rescue: Physical Key Inference Attack Revisited" has been accepted at the USENIX Security Symposium 2021. A pre-print is now available at the link below.
Our paper "Zoom on the Keystrokes: Exploiting Video Calls for Keystroke Inference Attacks" has been accepted at the Network and Distributed System Security Symposium (NDSS) 2021. Full paper now available at the link below.
We are happy to announce that ScooterLab receives preliminary funding from NSF. This 18 month grant will help us plan the development of the various ScooterLab components, and build a community of researchers who will not only be involved in the planning and creation of this testbed, but will also employ this testbed (and its outcomes) in their research.
Dr. Jadliwala receives the prestigious National Science Foundation Faculty Early Career Development (CAREER) Award for his integrated research-teaching project focused on mobile and IoT Security & Privacy.
Our paper titled "Security and Privacy Challenges in Upcoming Intelligent Urban Micromobility Transportation Systems" was presented at AutoSec 2020 in New Orleans, Louisiana.
Our paper titled "Analyzing Defense Strategies Against Mobile Information Leakages: A Game-Theoretic Approach" was presented at GameSec 2019 in Stockholm, Sweden.
Our article titled "Light Ears: Information Leakage via Smart Lights" has been published in the Proceedings of the ACM on Interactive, Mobile, Wearable and Ubiquitous Technologies. It was also presented at UbiComp 2019 in London, UK.
Our paper titled "deWristified: Handwriting Inference Using Wrist-Based Motion Sensors Revisited" was presented at WiSec 2019 in Miami, Florida.
Our article titled "A Practical Framework for Preventing Distracted Pedestrian-related Incidents using Wrist Wearables" has been published in the IEEE Access.
Our article titled "A Game-Theoretic Analysis of Shard-Based Permissionless Blockchains" has been published in the IEEE Access.
Our paper titled "Towards Inferring Mechanical Lock Combinations using Wrist-Wearables as a Side-Channel" was presented at WiSec 2018 in Stockholm, Sweden.
Our paper titled "Keystroke Inference Using Ambient Light Sensor on Wrist-Wearables: A Feasibility Study" was presented at WearSys 2018 in Munich, Germany.
Our paper titled "Towards a Practical Pedestrian Distraction Detection Framework using Wearables" won the Best Paper Award at WristSense 2018 in Athens, Greece.
Our article titled "Side-Channel Inference Attacks on Mobile Keypads using Smartwatches" has been published in the IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing.
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