Recent Publications

   Conference Papers
  • Maryam Abbasihafshejani, Anindya Maiti, Murtuza Jadliwala, "Spiking Neural Networks in Vertical Federated Learning: Performance Trade-offs", IEEE/IFIP Network Operations and Management Symposium (NOMS) 2025. [Paper]
  • Joseph Spracklen, Raveen Wijewickrama, AHM Nazmus Sakib, Anindya Maiti, Bimal Viswanath, Murtuza Jadliwala, "We Have a Package for You! A Comprehensive Analysis of Package Hallucinations by Code Generating LLMs", USENIX Security Symposium 2025. [Paper]
  • Kavita Kumari, Maryam Abbasihafshejani, Alessandro Pegoraro, Phillip Rieger, Kamyar Arshi, Murtuza Jadliwala, Ahmad-Reza Sadeghi, "Voice Deepfake Detection using Micro-Frequency and Compositional Analysis", Network & Distributed System Security Symposium (NDSS), 2025. [Paper] (Distinguished Paper Award)
  • Kavita Kumari, Murtuza Jadliwala, Sumit Jha, and Anindya Maiti, "Towards a Game-theoretic Understanding of Explanation-based Membership Inference Attacks", Conference on Game Theory and AI for Security (GameSec), 2024. [Pre-Print]
  • Mohd Sabra, Nisha Vinayaga Sureshkanth, Ari Sharma, Anindya Maiti, Murtuza Jadliwala, "De-anonymizing VR Avatars using Non-VR Motion Side-channels", ACM Conference on Security and Privacy in Wireless and Mobile Networks (WiSec), Seoul, Korea, May 2024. [Pre-Print]
  • Sifat Muhammad Abdullah, Aravind Cheruvu, Shravya Kanchi, Taejoong Chung, Peng Gao, Murtuza Jadliwala, Bimal Viswanath, "An Analysis of Recent Advances in Deepfake Image Detection in an Evolving Threat Landscape", 45th IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy (S&P), 2024. [Pre-Print]
  • Christoph Sendner, Jasper Stang, Alexandra Dmitrienko, Raveen Wijewickrama, Murtuza Jadliwala, " MirageFlow: A New Bandwidth Inflation Attack on Tor", Network & Distributed System Security Symposium (NDSS), 2024. [Pre-Print]
  • Maryam Abbasi, Mohammad Hossein Manshaei, and Murtuza Jadliwala, "Detecting and Punishing Selfish Behavior during Gossiping in Algorand Blockchain", IEEE Virtual Conference on Communications (VCC), 2023.
  • Kavita Kumari, Phillip Rieger, Hossein Fereidooni, Murtuza Jadliwala and Ahmad-Reza Sadeghi, "BayBFed: Bayesian Backdoor Defense for Federated Learning", 44th IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy (S&P), 2023.
  • Mohd Sabra, Anindya Maiti, and Murtuza Jadliwala, "Background Buster: Peeking through Virtual Backgrounds in Online Video Calls", IEEE/IFIP International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks (DSN), 2022. [Paper]
  • Nisha Vinayaga-Sureshkanth, Raveen Wijewickrama, Anindya Maiti, and Murtuza Jadliwala, "An Investigative Study on the Privacy Implications of Mobile E-scooter Rental Apps", ACM Conference on Security and Privacy in Wireless and Mobile Networks (WiSec), San Antonio, Texas, USA, May 2022. [Paper]
  • [Slides]
  • Maryam Abbasi, Mohammad Hossein Manshaei, Mohammad Ashiqur Rahman, Kemal Akkaya, and Murtuza Jadliwala, " On Algorand Transaction Fee: Challenges and Mechanism Design", IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), 2022.
  • Raveen Wijewickrama, Anindya Maiti, and Murtuza Jadliwala, "Write to Know: On the Feasibility of Wrist Motion based User-Authentication from Handwriting", ACM Conference on Security and Privacy in Wireless and Mobile Networks (WiSec), Abu Dhabi, UAE, June 2021. [Paper] [Slides]
  • Soundarya Ramesh, Xiao Rui, Anindya Maiti, Jong Taek Lee, Harini Ramprasad, Ananda Kumar, Murtuza Jadliwala, Jun Han, "Acoustics to the Rescue: Physical Key Inference Attack Revisited", USENIX Security Symposium (SECURITY), 2021 (to appear). [Paper]
  • Mohd Sabra, Anindya Maiti, and Murtuza Jadliwala, "Zoom on the Keystrokes: Exploiting Video Calls for Keystroke Inference Attacks", Network & Distributed System Security Symposium (NDSS), 2021. [Paper]
  • Kavita Kumari, Murtuza Jadliwala, Anindya Maiti, and Mohammad Hossein Manshaei, "Analyzing Defense Strategies Against Mobile Information Leakages: A Game-Theoretic Approach", Conference on Decision and Game Theory for Security (GameSec), Stockholm, Sweden, October 2019. [Paper]
  • Raveen Wijewickrama, Anindya Maiti, and Murtuza Jadliwala, "deWristified: Handwriting Inference Using Wrist-Based Motion Sensors Revisited", ACM Conference on Security and Privacy in Wireless and Mobile Networks (WiSec), Miami, Florida, USA, May 2019. [Paper] [Slides][Artifacts] ACM Replicability Label
  • Anindya Maiti, Ryan Heard, Mohd Sabra, and Murtuza Jadliwala, "Towards Inferring Mechanical Lock Combinations using Wrist-Wearables as a Side-Channel", ACM Conference on Security and Privacy in Wireless and Mobile Networks (WiSec), Stockholm, Sweden, June 2018 (Revised September 2018). [Paper][Slides] [Artifacts] ACM Replicability Label
  • Anindya Maiti, Oscar Armbruster, Murtuza Jadliwala, and Jibo He, "Smartwatch-Based Keystroke Inference Attacks and Context-Aware Protection Mechanisms", ACM Symposium on Information, Computer and Communications Security (AsiaCCS), Xi’an, China, May 2016. [Paper] [Slides]
  • Anindya Maiti, Murtuza Jadliwala, Jibo He, and Igor Bilogrevic, "(Smart)Watch Your Taps: Side-Channel Keystroke Inference Attacks using Smartwatches", ACM International Symposium on Wearable Computers (ISWC), Osaka, Japan, September 2015. [Paper] [Slides]
  • Murtuza Jadliwala, Anindya Maiti, and Vinod Namboodiri, "Social Puzzles: Context-Based Access Control in Online Social Networks", IEEE/IFIP International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks (DSN), Atlanta, Georgia, USA, June 2014. [Paper] [Slides]
  • Navid Alamatsaz, Arash Boustani, Murtuza Jadliwala, and Vinod Namboodiri, "AgSec: Secure and Efficient CDMA-based Aggregation for Smart Metering Systems", IEEE Consumer Communications and Networking Conference (CCNC), Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, January 2014. [Paper]
  • Arash Boustani, Navid Alamatsaz, Murtuza Jadliwala, and Vinod Namboodiri, "LocJam: A Novel Jamming-based Approach to Secure Localization in Wireless Networks", IEEE Consumer Communications and Networking Conference (CCNC), Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, January 2014. [Paper]
  • Babak Karimi, Vinod Namboodiri, and Murtuza Jadliwala, "On the Scalable Collection of Metering Data in Smart Grids through Message Concatenation", IEEE International Conference on Smart Grid Communications (SmartGridComm), Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, October 2013. [Paper]
  • Igor Bilogrevic, Kévin Huguenin, Berker Agir, Murtuza Jadliwala, and Jean-Pierre Hubaux, "Adaptive Information-Sharing for Privacy-Aware Mobile Social Networks", ACM International Joint Conference on Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing (UbiComp), Zurich, Switzerland, September 2013. [Paper]
  • Anm Badruddoza, Vinod Namboodiri, and Murtuza Jadliwala, "On the Energy Efficiency of Dynamic Spectrum Access under Dynamic Channel Conditions", International Conference on Cognitive Radio Oriented Wireless Networks (CROWNCOM), Washington DC, USA, July 2013. [Paper]
  • Igor Bilogrevic, Murtuza Jadliwala, István Lám, Imad Aad, Philip Ginzboorg, Valtteri Niemi, Laurent Bindschaedler, and Jean-Pierre Hubaux, "Big Brother Knows Your Friends: on Privacy of Social Communities in Pervasive Networks", International Conference on Pervasive Computing (PERVASIVE), Newcastle, UK, June 2012. [Paper]
  • Laurent Bindschaedler, Murtuza Jadliwala, Igor Bilogrevic, Imad Aad, Philip Ginzboorg, Valtteri Niemi, and Jean-Pierre Hubaux, "Track Me If You Can: On the Effectiveness of Context-based Identifier Changes in Deployed Mobile Networks", Network & Distributed System Security Symposium (NDSS), San Diego, California, USA, February 2012. [Paper]
   Journal Articles
  • Devan Shah, Ruoqi Huang, Nisha Vinayaga-Sureshkanth, Tingting Chen, Murtuza Jadliwala, "ScooterID: Posture-based Continuous User Identification from Mobility Scooter Rides", IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, 2024. [Article]
  • Raveen Wijewickrama, Sameer Anis Dohadwalla, Anindya Maiti, Murtuza Jadliwala, Sashank Narain, "SkinSense: Efficient Vibration-based Communications Over Human Body Using Motion Sensors", Internet of Things, 2023. [Article]
  • Anindya Maiti, and Murtuza Jadliwala, "SMART LIGHT-BASED INFORMATION LEAKAGE ATTACKS", GetMobile: Mobile Comp. and Comm. 24, 1 (March 2020), 28-32, 2020. [Article]Invited Magazine Article for our ACM IMWUT (UbiComp 2019) Paper.
  • Anindya Maiti, and Murtuza Jadliwala, "Light Ears: Information Leakage via Smart Lights", Proceedings of the ACM on Interactive, Mobile, Wearable and Ubiquitous Technologies, Volume 3, Number 3, Article 98, 2019. [Article]Presented at ACM UbiComp 2019, London, UK, September 2019. [Slides]
  • Nisha Vinayaga-Sureshkanth, Anindya Maiti, Murtuza Jadliwala, Kirsten Crager, Jibo He, and Heena Rathore, "A Practical Framework for Preventing Distracted Pedestrian-related Incidents using Wrist Wearables", IEEE Access, Volume 6, 2018. [Article]
  • Mohammad Hossein Manshaei, Murtuza Jadliwala, Anindya Maiti, and Mahdi Fooladgar, "A Game-Theoretic Analysis of Shard-Based Permissionless Blockchains", IEEE Access, Volume 6, 2018. [Article]
  • Anindya Maiti, Murtuza Jadliwala, Jibo He, and Igor Bilogrevic, "Side-Channel Inference Attacks on Mobile Keypads using Smartwatches", IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, Volume 17, Issue 9, 2018. [Article]
  • Jibo He, Jason S. McCarley, Kirsten Crager, Murtuza Jadliwala, Lesheng Hua, and Sheng Huang, "Does wearable device bring distraction closer to drivers? Comparing smartphones and Google Glass", Elsevier Applied Ergonomics, Volume 70, 2018. [Article]
  • Rajiv Bagai, Nafia Malik, and Murtuza Jadliwala, "Measuring Anonymity of Pseudonymized Data after Probabilistic Background Attacks", IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security, Volume 12, Issue 5, 2017. [Article]
  • Arash Boustani, Anindya Maiti, Sina Yousefian Jazi, Murtuza Jadliwala, and Vinod Namboodiri, "Seer Grid: Privacy and Utility Implications of Two-Level Load Prediction in Smart Grids", IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, Volume 28, Issue 2, 2017. [Article]
  • Igor Bilogrevic, Kévin Huguenin, Berker Agir, Murtuza Jadliwala, Maria Gazaki, and Jean-Pierre Hubaux, "A Machine-Learning Based Approach to Privacy-Aware Information-Sharing in Mobile Social Networks", Elsevier Pervasive and Mobile Computing, Volume 25, 2016. [Article]
  • Babak Karimi, Vinod Namboodiri, and Murtuza Jadliwala, "Scalable Meter Data Collection in Smart Grids Through Message Concatenation", IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, Volume 6, Issue 4, 2015. [Article]
  • Igor Bilogrevic, Murtuza Jadliwala, Vishal Joneja, Kübra Kalkan, Jean-Pierre Hubaux, and Imad Aad, "Privacy-Preserving Optimal Meeting Location Determination on Mobile Devices", IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security, Volume 9, Issue 7, 2014. [Article]
  • Murtuza Jadliwala, Igor Bilogrevic, and Jean-Pierre Hubaux, "Optimizing Mix-zone Coverage in Pervasive Wireless Networks", Journal of Computer Security, Volume 21, Issue 3, 2013. [Article]
   Workshop & Poster Papers
  • Joseph Spracklen, Raveen Wijewickrama, AHM Nazmus Sakib, Anindya Maiti, and Murtuza Jadliwala, "Special Delivery! Investigating the Prevalence, Causes, and Mitigation Methods of Package Hallucinations in Code Generating LLMs", USENIX Security Symposium (SECURITY) Poster session, Philadelphia, 2024. [Poster]
  • Devan Shah, Ruoqi Huang, Tingting Chen, and Murtuza Jadliwala, "Rider Posture-based Continuous Authentication with Few-Shot learning for Mobility Scooters", AAAI-24 Student Poster, Vancouver, Canada, February 2024. [Paper] [supplementary]
  • Anindya Maiti, Nisha Vinayaga-Sureshkanth, Murtuza Jadliwala, Raveen Wijewickrama, and Greg P. Griffin, "Impact of E-Scooters on Pedestrian Safety: A Field Study Using Pedestrian Crowd-Sensing", IEEE PerCom Workshop on Sensing Systems and Applications using Wrist Worn Smart Devices (WristSense), Pisa, Italy, March 2022. [Paper] [Slides]
  • Nisha Vinayaga-Sureshkanth, Raveen Wijewickrama, Anindya Maiti, Murtuza Jadliwala, "Security and Privacy Challenges in Upcoming Intelligent Urban Micromobility Transportation Systems", ACM Workshop on Automotive and Aerial Vehicle Security (AutoSec), New Orleans, Louisiana, USA, March 2020. [Paper] [Slides]
  • Mohd Sabra, Anindya Maiti, and Murtuza Jadliwala, "Keystroke Inference Using Ambient Light Sensor on Wrist-Wearables: A Feasibility Study", IEEE MobiSys Workshop on Wearable Systems and Applications (WearSys), Munich, Germany, June 2018. [Paper] [Slides]
  • Nisha Vinayaga-Sureshkanth, Anindya Maiti, Murtuza Jadliwala, Kirsten Crager, Jibo He, and Heena Rathore, "Towards a Practical Pedestrian Distraction Detection Framework using Wearables", IEEE PerCom Workshop on Sensing Systems and Applications using Wrist Worn Smart Devices (WristSense), Athens, Greece, March 2018. [Paper] [Slides] Best Paper Award
  • Kirsten Crager, Anindya Maiti, Murtuza Jadliwala, and Jibo He, "Information Leakage through Mobile Motion Sensors: User Awareness and Concerns", European Workshop on Usable Security (EuroUSEC), Paris, France, April 2017. [Paper] [Slides]
  • Anindya Maiti, Kirsten Crager, Murtuza Jadliwala, Jibo He, Kevin Kwiat, and Charles Kamhoua, "RandomPad: Usability of Randomized Mobile Keypads for Defeating Inference Attacks", IEEE EuroS&P Workshop on Innovations in Mobile Privacy & Security (IMPS), Paris, France, April 2017. [Paper] [Slides]
  • Anindya Maiti, Murtuza Jadliwala, and Chase Weber, "Preventing Shoulder Surfing using Randomized Augmented Reality Keyboards", IEEE PerCom Workshop on Security, Privacy and Trust in the Internet of Things (SPT-IoT), Kona, Hawaii, USA, March 2017. [Paper] [Slides]
  • Igor Bilogrevic, Kévin Huguenin, Murtuza Jadliwala, Florent Lopez, Jean-Pierre Hubaux, Philip Ginzboorg, and Valtteri Niemi, "Inferring Social Ties in Academic Networks Using Short-Range Wireless Communications", ACM Workshop on Privacy in the Electronic Society (WPES), Berlin, Germany, November 2013. [Paper]
   SPriTELab Reports (arXiv)
  • Anindya Maiti, Nisha Vinayaga-Sureshkanth, Murtuza Jadliwala, Raveen Wijewickrama, and Greg P. Griffin, "Impact of E-Scooters on Pedestrian Safety: A Field Study Using Pedestrian Crowd-Sensing", SPriTELab Report, May 2020. [Report]
  • Raveen Wijewickrama, Maryam Abbasihafshejani, Anindya Maiti, and Murtuza Jadliwala "OverHear: Headphone based Multi-sensor Keystroke Inference", SPriTELab Report, November 2023. [Report]
  • Mohd Sabra, Nisha Vinayaga Sureshkanth, Ari Sharma, Anindya Maiti, and Murtuza Jadliwala, "Exploiting Out-of-band Motion Sensor Data to De-anonymize Virtual Reality Users", SPriTELab Report, January 2023. [Report]
  • Kavita Kumari, Murtuza Jadliwala, Anindya Maiti, and Mohammad Hossein Manshaei, "Analyzing Defense Strategies Against Mobile Information Leakages: A Game-Theoretic Approach", SPriTELab Report, April 2019. [Report]
  • Nisha Vinayaga-Sureshkanth, Anindya Maiti, Murtuza Jadliwala, Kirsten Crager, Jibo He, and Heena Rathore, "A Practical Framework for Preventing Distracted Pedestrian-related Incidents using Wrist Wearables", SPriTELab Report, November 2018. [Report]
  • Anindya Maiti, and Murtuza Jadliwala, "Light Ears: Information Leakage via Smart Lights", SPriTELab Report, August 2018. [Report]
  • Mohammad Hossein Manshaei, Murtuza Jadliwala, Anindya Maiti, and Mahdi Fooladgar, "A Game-Theoretic Analysis of Shard-Based Permissionless Blockchains", SPriTELab Report, September 2018. [Report]
  • Anindya Maiti, Murtuza Jadliwala, Jibo He, and Igor Bilogrevic, "Side-Channel Inference Attacks on Mobile Keypads using Smartwatches", SPriTELab Report, October 2017. [Report]
  • Nisha Vinayaga-Sureshkanth, Anindya Maiti, Murtuza Jadliwala, Kirsten Crager, Jibo He, and Heena Rathore, "Towards a Practical Pedestrian Distraction Detection Framework using Wearables", SPriTELab Report, October 2017. [Report]
  • Anindya Maiti, Ryan Heard, Mohd Sabra, and Murtuza Jadliwala, "Towards Inferring Mechanical Lock Combinations using Wrist-Wearables as a Side-Channel", SPriTELab Report, September 2017 (Revised September 2018). [Report]
   Theses and Dissertations
  • Mohd Sabra, "Addressing Privacy Challenges in Modern Audio-Video Communication Systems and Applications", Doctoral Dissertation, Department of Computer Science, University of Texas at San Antonio, San Antonio, Texas, USA, May 2023. [Dissertation]
  • Kavita Kumari, "When and How to Protect? Modeling Repeated Interactions with Computing Services Under Uncertainty", Doctoral Dissertation, Department of Computer Science, University of Texas at San Antonio, San Antonio, Texas, USA, August 2022. [Dissertation]
  • Anindya Maiti, "Security and Privacy of Cyber and Physical User Interactions in the Age of Wearable Computing", Doctoral Dissertation, Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Wichita State University, Wichita, Kansas, USA, May 2018. [Dissertation]
  • Arash Boustani, "Security and Privacy in Critical Infrastructure Cyber-Physical Systems: Recent Challenges and Solutions", Doctoral Dissertation, Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Wichita State University, Wichita, Kansas, USA, December 2016. [Dissertation]
  • Zoya Khan, "An Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Smart Meter Data Perturbation Mechanisms Using a Unified Stochastic Framework", Master's Thesis, Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Wichita State University, Wichita, Kansas, USA, December 2015. [Thesis]
  • Anindya Maiti, "Context-Aware Access Control: An Alternate Privacy Protection Mechanism for Online Social Networks", Master's Thesis, Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Wichita State University, Wichita, Kansas, USA, July 2014. [Thesis] Outstanding Thesis Award
  • Navid Alamatsaz, "Towards an Analytical Framework for Privacy-Preserving Aggregation in Smart Grid", Master's Thesis, Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Wichita State University, Wichita, Kansas, USA, May 2014. [Thesis]
  • Jiang Cheng, "Preserving Query Privacy with a Query-Based Memorizing Algorithm", Master's Thesis, Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Wichita State University, Wichita, Kansas, USA, May 2014. [Thesis]

Publications with a ACM Replicability Label label were awarded the ACM Replicability Label.
† Equally contributing authors of corresponding papers.